Near Underground Atlanta, ‘transformative,’ multi-building project moves forward

Near Underground Atlanta, ‘transformative,’ multi-building project moves forward

Near Underground Atlanta, ‘transformative,’ multi-building project moves forward

Josh Green

Fri, 02/07/2025 – 08:08

On the eve of storied nightclub MJQ Concourse’s opening, Underground Atlanta leadership recently spoke about additional housing being the only path toward a true resurgence in downtown. 

For the second time this week, plans have been put forward to start making that a reality in potentially significant ways. 

The 1 Peachtree infill project—proposed as 65 units of senior housing, situated where Peachtree and Decatur streets meet, immediately north of Underground Atlanta—has taken a step toward groundbreaking as what could be the first phase of a multi-building effort in surrounding blocks. 

Development officials called the project “transformative” and “essential” in communications with Urbanize Atlanta this week. 

According to renderings, the slim 1 Peachtree building would rise between an existing parking garage (masking one façade from public view) and Peachtree Street. 

The development team filed paperwork this week with Atlanta’s Department of City Planning for a Special Administrative Permit to begin construction on 1 Peachtree. 

According to those documents, the building would see a mix of one-bedroom and studio apartments. 

The building’s planned Peachtree Street facade, with an existing parking structure behind it. Courtesy of The Integral Group

The 1 Peachtree filings come after a much larger housing proposal for downtown—the Georgia-Pacific Center skyscraper’s conversion to more than 400 apartments and other uses—earned the Office of Zoning and Development’s approval to proceed toward groundbreaking this week. 

A development partnership called Two Peachtree Partners LLC—consisting of Underground Atlanta owners Lalani Ventures, The Integral Group, The Atlantic Companies, and office leasing firm T. Dallas Smith and Company—is moving the 1 Peachtree project forward.

Rick White, Integral’s senior vice president, said 1 Peachtree will see 65 rental units take shape for residents age 62 and older, creating “a vital housing option” for seniors earning at max 60 percent of the Area Median Income. 

Access to transit and walkable commercial options are among the location’s perks, per White. 

Looking south, the open plaza site where 1 Peachtree is planned, with Underground Atlanta in the distance. The taller 2 Peachtree tower is shown at right. Google Maps

A timeline for groundbreaking will be announced later this year, White said.  

“The direction is clear: to create a thriving, transit-connected downtown that fosters inclusive growth and sets a new standard for urban development in Atlanta,” White wrote via email. 

“As work begins on 1 Peachtree,” White continued, “it sets in motion the broader vision for [additional, neighboring projects] 2 Peachtree, 33 Pryor St., and 14 Marietta. Together, these developments will activate the streets, attract new businesses, and drive long-term economic growth.” 

All of the projects listed above will be anchored by Five Points MARTA station and feed into Mayor Andre Dickens’ plans for enlivening downtown and creating housing, said White.

“As Invest Atlanta’s selected developer for this ambitious effort,” he noted, “Two Peachtree Partners… brings together industry leaders with deep expertise in urban development, investment, and real estate strategy to create a dynamic and sustainable future for the city.”

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The building’s planned Peachtree Street facade, with an existing parking structure behind it. Courtesy of The Integral Group

Looking south, the open plaza site where 1 Peachtree is planned, with Underground Atlanta in the distance. The taller 2 Peachtree tower is shown at right. Google Maps

1 Peachtree development to mark first phase anchored by Five Points MARTA station
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A large development project shown in beige and glass under cloudy skies in Atlanta, near wide streets.
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Near Underground Atlanta, ‘transformative,’ multi-building project moves forward

Josh Green

Fri, 02/07/2025 – 08:08

On the eve of storied nightclub MJQ Concourse’s opening, Underground Atlanta leadership recently spoke about additional housing being the only path toward a true resurgence in downtown. For the second time this week, plans have been put forward to start making that a reality in potentially significant ways. The 1 Peachtree infill project—proposed as 65 units of senior housing, situated where Peachtree and Decatur streets meet, immediately north of Underground Atlanta—has taken a step toward groundbreaking as what could be the first phase of a multi-building effort in surrounding blocks. Development officials called the project “transformative” and “essential” in communications with Urbanize Atlanta this week. According to renderings, the slim 1 Peachtree building would rise between an existing parking garage (masking one façade from public view) and Peachtree Street. The development team filed paperwork this week with Atlanta’s Department of City Planning for a Special Administrative Permit to begin construction on 1 Peachtree. According to those documents, the building would see a mix of one-bedroom and studio apartments. 

The building’s planned Peachtree Street facade, with an existing parking structure behind it. Courtesy of The Integral Group

The 1 Peachtree filings come after a much larger housing proposal for downtown—the Georgia-Pacific Center skyscraper’s conversion to more than 400 apartments and other uses—earned the Office of Zoning and Development’s approval to proceed toward groundbreaking this week. A development partnership called Two Peachtree Partners LLC—consisting of Underground Atlanta owners Lalani Ventures, The Integral Group, The Atlantic Companies, and office leasing firm T. Dallas Smith and Company—is moving the 1 Peachtree project forward.Rick White, Integral’s senior vice president, said 1 Peachtree will see 65 rental units take shape for residents age 62 and older, creating “a vital housing option” for seniors earning at max 60 percent of the Area Median Income. Access to transit and walkable commercial options are among the location’s perks, per White. 

Looking south, the open plaza site where 1 Peachtree is planned, with Underground Atlanta in the distance. The taller 2 Peachtree tower is shown at right. Google Maps

A timeline for groundbreaking will be announced later this year, White said.  “The direction is clear: to create a thriving, transit-connected downtown that fosters inclusive growth and sets a new standard for urban development in Atlanta,” White wrote via email. “As work begins on 1 Peachtree,” White continued, “it sets in motion the broader vision for [additional, neighboring projects] 2 Peachtree, 33 Pryor St., and 14 Marietta. Together, these developments will activate the streets, attract new businesses, and drive long-term economic growth.” All of the projects listed above will be anchored by Five Points MARTA station and feed into Mayor Andre Dickens’ plans for enlivening downtown and creating housing, said White.“As Invest Atlanta’s selected developer for this ambitious effort,” he noted, “Two Peachtree Partners… brings together industry leaders with deep expertise in urban development, investment, and real estate strategy to create a dynamic and sustainable future for the city.”…Follow us on social media: Twitter / Facebook/and now: Instagram  • Downtown news, discussion (Urbanize Atlanta)


1 Peachtree St. SE
1 Peachtree
senior housing
Affordable Housing
Invest Atlanta
Two Peachtree Partners LLC
Mayor Andre Dickens
Department of City Planning
Downtown Development
Atlanta Development
Atlanta Construction
Five Points MARTA Station
Decatur Street
T. Dallas Smith & Company
Lalani Ventures
The Integral Group
The Atlantic Companies
Five Points
Infill Development
Infill Housing
Infill project
Atlanta Infill


The building’s planned Peachtree Street facade, with an existing parking structure behind it. Courtesy of The Integral Group

Looking south, the open plaza site where 1 Peachtree is planned, with Underground Atlanta in the distance. The taller 2 Peachtree tower is shown at right. Google Maps

1 Peachtree development to mark first phase anchored by Five Points MARTA station


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