Georgia Looking to Charge Data Center Operators for Power Use

Georgia Looking to Charge Data Center Operators for Power Use

Georgia has seen a surge in data center construction. While some appreciate the benefits in regard to property taxes kicked off from the site, others lament the amount of power and water the centers consume. Legislators have advanced a proposal that would require the state’s largest electric utility to charge data centers for the costs incurred to serve them. The bill has been passed out of a House committee and would still require full House and Senate approval and the governor’s signature.

Under the proposal, Georgia Power would be compelled to bill data centers for infrastructure investments and other costs associated with supporting the facilities. The utility would be prohibited from passing those costs onto residential and small business customers.

Georgia Power customers are paying 37% more for power than they did two years ago. Georgia Power expects electricity demand to increase by 50% by the end of 2030, largely due to new data centers.

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​  Georgia has seen a surge in data center construction. While some appreciate the benefits in regard to property taxes kicked off from the site, others lament the amount of power and water the centers consume. Legislators have advanced a proposal that would require the state’s largest electric utility to charge data centers for the costs …
The post Georgia Looking to Charge Data Center Operators for Power Use appeared first on Connect CRE. Read MoreAtlanta & Southeast Commercial Real Estate News
