Creating Leverage in Lease Negotiations

Are You Creating Leverage? In order to get the best deal when looking for commercial space, be sure you are creating leverage in your lease negotiations.  Hiring a broker is the first step you can take toward creating leverage. For example, you can go to the grocery store to purchase milk and notice the price […]

What is a Build-to-Suit and is it Right for You?

Are you having a hard time finding suitable office space in your market? Is your office space market so tight that only small blocks of space are available? Do you have a unique or specialized need, which no building currently in your market can accommodate?  Does any portion of your business represent a long term […]

What is Tenant Improvement (TI) Allowance?

Almost every tenant of a commercial space will need to make some changes or improvements to the space to make the space work for them. Of course, the extent of needed improvements will vary depending on whether the space in question was previously occupied, how old the existing improvements are and whether the prior uses […]

What is in My Commercial Lease Anyway?

Landlord and tenants sign lease agreements when renting property. What is included in this lease will vary. However, there are certain basics you should know about lease agreements in general. Leasing business space is a major obligation.  The successes or disappointments of your business may ride based upon specific terms of your rental agreement so […]