Fairburn aims to enliven downtown as city grows
Local officials are working on several initiatives to enhance mobility and add new places for the city’s growing population to live, work and spend time with one another.
BeltLine regulations get mixed review from Atlanta zoning board
Atlanta is considering three ordinances aimed at limiting the spread of car-centric development near the BeltLine. An advisory board recommended approving two of them.
Office tenants flex their muscle, seek more termination rights
Landlords, facing pressure to fill up their buildings, are obliging.
Viral ‘Airbnb collapse’ debate aside, short-term rental growth is slowing. Here’s why.
The short-term rental market is in housing headlines, as data illustrating precipitous drops in revenue at Airbnb properties nationally prompted debate about the platform’s outlook. While other data points suggest the ‘Airbnb collapse’ is unfounded, the short-term rental market is slowing. Here’s what’s driving the trend.
Foreclosure sale scheduled for prime Midtown, ‘Mastermind’ site
The scheduled sale is another indicator of choppy economic conditions impacting the commercial real estate sector.
Discount retail giant to take over Bed Bath & Beyond spaces in Atlanta
A major retailer in expansion mode is poised to take over the space formerly used by Bed Bath & Beyond at four Georgia shopping centers.
TK Elevator adds to Atlanta’s swelling sublease market
The German elevator manufacturer is the latest company with a footprint in Atlanta to list space for sublease.
Portman plots next phase of BeltLine offices near Krog Street Market (Renderings)
Portman Holdings has secured a 1-acre block close to Krog Street Market, part of its effort to create the next booming office district along the Atlanta BeltLine.
NCR details potential concerns of company split, new C-suite appointments
It is unclear how the split will impact NCR’s office presence in Atlanta.
Norfolk Southern could pay Cincinnati more under Southern Railway deal
Norfolk Southern will pay the city of Cincinnati $20 million more if voters approve the $1.6 billion sale of the Cincinnati Southern Railway in November under an amended sale agreement.