CRE Conflict – An Important Consideration

  Resist the Urge   You are driving in your car and you see a  “For Lease” sign on the building. You happen to be in the market for space and you want to call for more information.  Logically, that makes the most sense, however, the phone number you see is for the building owner’s […]

CRE Technology is Important…Seriously

Got Tech?   The implementation and advancement of technology is spreading like wildfire across many industries.  Commercial real estate is right in line with the craze.  There are so many new and exciting technologies popping up all over the place.  This is giving tenants more power over their commercial real estate search.  Technology is majorly […]

Why Should I Hire My Broker Exclusively?

Georgia Real Estate Law requires a tenant to have a statement in writing of their desire to hire a broker to represent them. If you are a tenant looking for commercial space on your own, you have probably been speaking to the leasing agent who is the broker (or leasing agent) for the seller. The […]

Is A Personal Guarantee for Me?

When entering into a commercial lease, the Landlord often requires a personal guarantee from the business owner, even if they have formed a corporation or LLC, and may refuse to rent the space without one.  This means that the guarantors will make the lease and other payments if the business fails. Landlords often ask for […]

Should I Get My Lease Reviewed?

Regardless of your industry, one of the first and most important agreements you’ll likely sign is a commercial or industrial lease agreement for your business. A lease agreement is also sometimes called a rental agreement. A clear and well-defined lease agreement helps both tenants and landlords understand their obligations and protect their interests. When leasing […]

Your Lease Should Protect You

Although you do your best as a small business owner to forecast revenue and expenses, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that affect your business’s success or failure. Since leasing office space spans such a long gap of time (relative to the small business cycle), is legally binding and commits capital over a period of time, […]

Negotiation Mistakes You Should Avoid

The main risks to consider when leasing a commercial office space is time, money, and risk You must understand which location is going to yield you the best rate and terms. You also want to avoid choosing a bad location or making an erroneous operational decision.  Furthermore, you need to keep in mind what your […]

Creating Leverage in Lease Negotiations

Are You Creating Leverage? In order to get the best deal when looking for commercial space, be sure you are creating leverage in your lease negotiations.  Hiring a broker is the first step you can take toward creating leverage. For example, you can go to the grocery store to purchase milk and notice the price […]

What is a Build-to-Suit and is it Right for You?

Are you having a hard time finding suitable office space in your market? Is your office space market so tight that only small blocks of space are available? Do you have a unique or specialized need, which no building currently in your market can accommodate?  Does any portion of your business represent a long term […]

What is Tenant Improvement (TI) Allowance?

Almost every tenant of a commercial space will need to make some changes or improvements to the space to make the space work for them. Of course, the extent of needed improvements will vary depending on whether the space in question was previously occupied, how old the existing improvements are and whether the prior uses […]